Children's Ministries
A "Kids" worship & learning time during the main Worship Service for children ages 3-Grade 3.
Dig In to the word of God!!
Please call the church or talk to one of the ushers on Sunday morning if you have children you would like to bring to the nursery!
Small Groups
Small groups run seasonally. Please contact the church office for more details.
VBS is a high energy week during the month of Jul for ages 4 to 12 consisting of music, crafts, games, food, Bible lessons and lots of noise & enthusiasm. For 2024, a 4 Day VBS is being planned for August 12 - 15. Check back here, or our Facebook page for more info!
As the church seeks to be a caring family of faith we look for ways to connect with and serve one another as needs arise. For more information about this ministry or to be involved with our hospitality ministry, please contact the church office for more details.
Quarterly copies of "Our Daily Bread" devotional reading material are free and available in the foyer of the church.
Fort Macleod Alliance Church is a member church supporting the ministry of Southern Alberta Bible Camp near Lomond, AB. Various camps & retreats for children and youth take place year round with the camp vision being "to see lives transformed by God through the Gospel of Jesus Christ." Fort more info see
The Meals on Wheels Program is set up to provide nutritious meals for those individuals within our community who are not able to cook for themselves. The service is provided to anyone who requires assistance, i.e. anyone who may be handicapped, recuperating after an illness or accident or is unable due to aging. Meals are prepared through the dietary unit at Extendicare and are distributed by volunteers from different organizations from Fort Macleod, including the Fort Macleod Alliance Church.
For the safety and protection of our most vulnerable persons, our church practises the Plan to Protect Policy which screens, trains and monitors volunteers who work with children, youth and vulnerable adults.
The Fort Macleod Alliance Church is Affiliated with the Christian & Missionary Alliance Church in Canada
and is part of the Western Canadian District of the C&MA and together we share in a common set of Christian beliefs.
To view our shared Statement of Faith & to find out more about the Christian & Missionary Alliance in Canada, please check out the links below! ~ Western Canadian District: ~ Christian & Missionary Alliance in Canada:
"O God, with all our hearts, we long for you. Come, transform us to be Christ-centered, spirit empowered, mission-focused people, multiplying disciples everywhere."